2013년 9월 30일 월요일

The Former Seoul Railroad Station at different angles

 facade of the Former Seoul Railroad Station, pen and watercolor,
 the station viewed from the public square, pen and watercolor,
 viewed from Food Court inside the new Seoul Station, pen and watercolor,
 another sketch at the same spot, pen,
a scenery across the road around the Seoul Station, pen and watercolor,
(21 x 29.6cm sketchbook)
I've sketched around Seoul Station many times for several years. Especially,I've always been fascinated by the scenic beauty of the Former Seoul Railroad Station building, connected with the new Seoul Station.The Former Seoul Railroad Station was constructed in an Eclectic Renaissance style in 1925. The building was distinguished by the classical symmetry in its overall composition and its non-classical features, including the central dome, a small steeple and the wings that were attatched to the central part of the building.
Currently, the building is composed of cultural venues for exhibition and performance, along with educational facility.
Last Saturday, I sketched the attractive historic building at difference angles.
눈부신 유리와 금속판으로 들쭉날쭉 채워져가는 도심의 하늘 아래
소담한 초록빛 돔과 벽돌 마디마디, 하얀 기둥 장식이 아름답게 비친다.
100년 세월의 낯익은 建築 樣式의 뒤안길에는~~~
근대사의 시련과 영욕이 "우리 시대의 거울"속에 녹아 흐르고
수많은 사람들의 스쳐간 발자욱 속에 나의 일기장도 같이 쌓여간다.
서울驛舍는 서울의 歷史....오늘을 그리며 서울의 미래를 상상하는 즐거움~~

2013년 9월 14일 토요일

several familiar buildings on busy streets, Seoul

 viewed from Dongnimmun Station intersection, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
 at Seoul Red Cross Hospital, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
 at the parking lot of Hyundai Department Apgujeong Store, pen and watercolor, 18.5 x 25.2cm
 another sketch at the parking lot, pencil, 18.5 x 25.2cm
 a scenery around Jogyesa Temple, pen and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
 some attached buildings close to Jogyesa Temple, pen and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
other buildings close to Jogyesa Temple, pen and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
 some old buildings at Susong-dong, pen and pastel, 14.8 x 21cm
 at Hongeun-dong village, Seodaemun-gu, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
 the panoramic view of Sejong Center, pen and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
Sejong Grand Theater, pen and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
I usually sketch buildings before my eyes, searching familiar places in my spare time. As for me, the old fashioned buildings are more attractive than the up-to-date style buildings in feeling. These works are sketched on the spot around my familiar streets from place to place recently.
낯익은 장소~~낯익은 거리~~ 낯익은 건물들을 그릴 때마다
어제의 새로움이 오늘의 낯익은 모습으로 변해가는 것을 지켜 보며는
세월의 켜가 쌓여가는 소리만 회상의 발자욱 따라 들려오는 듯 합니다.