Nokbeon-dong Catholic Church, Eunpyeong-gu, (녹번동 성당)
Munhwachon First Presbyterian Church, Seodamun-gu, (문화촌 제일교회 )
Seoul Hongsung Community Church, Seodamun-gu, (서울 홍성교회)
Eunpyeong Methodist Church, Eunpyeong-gu, (은평교회)
Yeonhui Methodist Church, Seodamun-gu, (연희 감리교회)
(21 x 29.6 cm sketchbook, pen and watercolor)
Many kinds of churches bring neighborhood to life showing various forms and symbolic images. In a residential area, the church is often the focal point for the local community. Every church usually is a great place for sketchers to explore a number of drawing subjects.For the last several days, I've sketched some church buildings located in Seodamun-gu and Eunpyeong-gu, northwest Seoul near my village.
교회건축은 종교시설이지만 지역사회 공동체 역할도 합니다.
크고 작은 개성있는 형태의 교회는 주민들에게 편안함을 제공하며~~
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