2019년 4월 25일 목요일

Sketches at Insadong street, Seoul

Nakwon Musical Instrument Arcade viewed from south entrance of Insadong, pencil and watercolor, (38 x 55cm)

main street of Insadong Cultural District with crowded people, pen and watercolor, 
(27 x 41cm)

 a street scene of Yulgok-ro viewed from north entrance of Insadong,
pen and watercolor, (27 x 41cm)

Magic Performance in the Buk-insa madang (north entrance of Insadong), pen and watercolor, (38 x 55cm)


Recently Korea Watercolor Association(since 1974) has been holding events of painting watercolor works outdoor on the spot once a year. 
Last Saturday, the 17th Korea Watercolor Academy Festival was held at Insadong where lots of tourists and citizens gather to enjoy shopping and dropping in galleries. The Office forbids traffic at Insadong street for the visitors to walk freely on weekends. 
Several regular members in KWA including myself were commissioned to produce works to be awarded for the prize winners out of 120 participants. I've done four pieces among which three were presented to the winners. Some members painted portrait or still life inside showing the process. But I chose to sketch outside to capture scenes here and there. While sketching lots of people surrounded me. Some curious spectators asked me to sign even. I felt excited too all the while sketching in busy street crowded with visitors. Above all as an urban sketcher I thought that the event was very meaningful at the point of putting focus on urban sketching in the downtown of Seoul compared to the previous events done in suburban countryside and seaports and traditional villages. 
I hoped many participants to open their eyes in urban sketching and enjoy it out of studios.
지난 토요일, 4월20일 한국수채화협회(1974~)가 주최하는 제 17회 한국수채화 아카데미 축제가 전통문화의 거리 인사동에서 열렸습니다.매년마다 현장에서 그날 그린 수채화를 심사하여 상을 주면서 격려하는 연례행사로 이날 120여명이 참여하였습니다.
인사동은 한국의 전통문화와 미술품을 즐길 수 있는 매력적인 관광명소로 유명하고 특히 인사동길은 주말에 차 없는 보행자의 구역으로 많은 전통행사가 열리는 곳으로 자유롭게 그림 그리기에 적합한 장소입니다. 저를 포함한 협회 임원들은 풍경, 인물, 정물수채화를 현장에서 그리는 작업을 시연하고, 그린 그림들을 입상자들에게 상으로 수여하는 역할을 맡았습니다. 저는 관광객과 방문객들으로 붐비는 인사동 주변의 거리와 빌딩 풍경을 여러 작품 그리면서 많은 사람들에게 현장 스케치의 장면을 보여주었습니다. 날씨도 좋았고 그림 열기에 가득찬 인사동길은 활발한 축제의 분위기였습니다.  저는 이날 4작품을 그려서 그중 3작품을 입상자들에게 시상하며 보람있는 시간을 가졌습니다., 
무엇보다도 오래전부터 수채화 아카데미 행사를 열어왔던 교외나 항구, 전통마을들이 아닌 서울 도심 복판에서 어반 스케치를 하는 뜻깊은 날이었습니다. 많은 참여자들이 스튜디오를 벗어나 어반스케치를 새로운 시각으로 체험하는 즐거운 날이었기를 바랍니다! 

2019년 4월 21일 일요일

Sketches at Gangbyeon Techno Mart, Seoul

Techno Mart building sketched at the sky garden outside the 9th floor of the building

 in front of the box office of CGV movie theater on the 10th floor

open superstore of cellular phones and telephones on the 6th floor

 a scene of open escalator hall sketched on the 6th floor

surrounding buildings viewed from the lounge on the 10th floor
( pen and watercolor, 29.6 x 42cm sketchbook )
Last Saturday was the day of usk Seoul's April meet up in pararelled with the 63rd World Wide SketchCrawl at Gangbyeon Techno Mart(강변 테크노마트). Coincidentally, that day I was scheduled to participate in Korea watercolor academy (한국수채화 아카데미) event, so I couldn't join in the usk Seoul' April meeting. Although I couldn't attend this important sketch meeting on the day, I went to the Techno Mart a few days earlier and made a sketch in advance. 
Gangbyeon Techno Mart located at Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu is known to be the biggest electronics depot in Korea. It is a large shopping mall that connects to other shopping and discount stores. In addition to all kinds of electronic products, Techno Mart is also well-known as a hot place of relaxation and enjoyment, such as Lifestyle & fashion shopping mall and wedding hall, various restaurants and Hangang Observatory at Haneul Park (하늘공원) on the 9th floor, CGV movie theater on the 10th floor, and so on. What's meaningful is, 3 years ago we had a good sketch time here as the 52th World Wide SketchCrawl. Impressed by the charming and beautiful scenery along the Han River and the crowded indoor atmosphere, I enjoyed sketching with new feelings and views going up and down in and out of the building.
4월 20일 한국수채화협회 아카데미 시연행사가 겹쳐
저는 부득이 며칠 전에 미리 가서 스케치했습니다.
동참 못하고 따로 그렸지만 스케치의 느낌을 함께 합니다.

3년전 테크노마트의 52차 스케치크롤이 생생하게 떠오릅니다..
전자쇼핑몰과 다양한 즐길거리로 붐비는 실내 분위기...
매력적이고 아름다운 한강변 풍경을 펼치는 랜드마크...
접근성과 짧은 동선, 사통오달의 좋은 스케치 장소입니다~ 

2019년 4월 10일 수요일

Sketches at J Billiards Club, Jamwon-dong, Seoul.

The male game winner Cho Jae-Ho, pencil and watercolor,

The female game winner Kim Min-Ah, pen and watercolor,

pen and watercolor crayon,

pen and watercolor crayon,

pen and watercolor crayon,

pen and watercolor crayon,

pen and watercolor,



pen and  watercolor crayon,

pen and  watercolor,

Billiards Championship at SL club, pen and  watercolor crayon,
(21 x 29.6cm sketchbook)

Last Sunday, Yoo Byung-hwa and I went to the "J Billiards Club" in the building of "Billiard Academy in Seoul"(서울당구학교) located at Jamwon-dong(잠원동), Seoul. There was a big game of the 14th 3-Cushion championship for the Seoul City Mayor's Flag (제14회 서울시장기 당구대회) supported by Seoul Billiards Federation and Seoul City.  We could see famous star players such as Cho Jae-Ho and Cho Myung-Woo and other female players we've seen on TV. Several times' visits to the billiards clubs gave different impression according to the location of the floors, scale, and the decoration. That day it was the best as far as we've experienced. Benches were laid a little higher than the floor. And we occupied the nearest one sitting side by side and we could keep sketching for hours.
The end March we met a staff, Park Ji-Young of Seoul Billiards Federation (서울당구연맹) at SL Club. She showed much interest in sketch, especially my work and took a photo. This time we met again and greeted warmly. She asked us to draw well letting us know who was the famous player, Cho Jae-Ho. We tried and tried of course. He won the first prize at last. This time it was special that we could see the female players' game in front of the game table. They looked so nice as models for drawing too. The female game winner Kim Min-Ah liked very much looking at her sketch drawn by me. The staff said that she kept visiting to our blog. Much thanks to her!

제14회 서울시장기 3쿠션대회가 열린 잠원동 J 당구 클럽...
최고의 기량을 펼치는 경기장의 넓은 스케일과 쾌적한 관람과 휴식공간
인테리어의 다양한 칼라와 선수들 유니폼의 특색있는 디자인이 어우러지며
정적인 무드와 역동적 장면에 긴장과 열광이 교차하는 시간과 공간의 드라마~
조재호, 김민아 우승자를 비롯한 선수들과 서울당구연맹의 박지영님께
당구와 스케치의 콜라보레이션 가능성을 주신 것에 감사드립니다.