2013년 12월 18일 수요일

an old fashioned village in downtown Seoul

a scene of the village along the street
Seosomun Apartment(서소문 아파트), one of the oldest ones in Seoul
another sketch of Seosomun Apartment
a scene viewed from the railroad crossing(서소문 건널목)
another scene viewed from the railroad crossing
a scene looking at Seosomun Overpass(서소문 고가)
the National Policy Agency(경찰청), a landmark at Migeun-dong
buildings around Migeun-dong including Gyeongui Line(경의선)
a panoramic view across the road
an old restaurant
a snack stall and a shoe repair shop 
a narrow alley passing through Seosomun Apartment
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm )
Recently, I visited Migeun-dong(미근동) village several times, which is an old village and located in Seodaemun-gu(서대문구) near the center of Seoul. There are lots of old fashioned buildings built near by the side of railway on the Gyeongui Line over which Seosomun Overpass is crossing. The habitability of housing, including old Seosomun Apartment, is not so satisfied owing to the some noise and inconvenient environment. Nevertheless, the unique and lively sceneries of the village, which is scheduled for regeneration within the near future, are so colorful and somehow attractive for sketching. I drew some disordered but interesting sceneries around the old fashioned hidden village.
서소문과 서대문,충정로를 잇는 철길 주변의 오래된 동네 ,
해방 이전과 경제개발 시대의 잔상이 곳곳에 남아있습니다.
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