a peaceful scenery in the Seoul Forest Park, pencil and watercolor, 24 x 32cm
Visitor Center and Management Office(방문자 센터 관리사무소),
pen and watercolor, 24 x 32cm
Community Garden, pen and watercolor, 21 x29.6cm (시민참여 텃밭)
Insect Garden and Butterfly Garden (곤충식물원과 나비정원),
pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Outdoor Stage for culture and art (가족마당 야외무대),
pencil and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Mirror Lake and Sculpture Park (거울연못과 조각정원),
pencil and watercolor,21 x 29.6cm

Giant Statue for playing new types of creativities (거인상),
pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm

Children's Sand Playground (어린이 전용 모래놀이터),
pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Deer Corral in the Eco Forest (사슴 우리 생태숲),
pencil and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Foot bridge over the forest park(공중 보행가교), pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Miss Anna from Germany joined Seoul sketchers,
pencil and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Seoul Forest is a large park in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. The park is an eco-friendly zone appreciated not only by the people of the city but also those visiting Seoul. Seoul Forest Park (서울숲) is rapidly developing into the premium city-park of Korea like Hyde Park in London and Central Park in New York. Seoul Forest Park was opened in June 2005. The park has a long and diverse history over the years. A water purification plant was established here in 1908 to provide water for the royal family and citizens. Another area of the park was turned into an industrial area in the 1950’s. Seoul Horse Race Track, a golf course and a sports park were built here. In the early 2000’s the area was developed into a park. It consist of five parks : a Cultural Art Park, an Ecological Forest, a Nature Experience Study Field, Wetlands Ecological Field, and Han River Waterside Park. There are many people enjoying their weekend with friends and children all over the forest park.
Last Saturday, the weather was very fine, we Seoul sketchers met at the park and enjoyed sketching in a very friendly atmosphere. I was excited by the colorful sceneries and sketched rapidly here and there in the pleasant park.
서울숲...뚝섬 경마장과 골프장이던 곳이 한강변의 생태공원으로 되살아나서
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