2017년 7월 13일 목요일

sketches around Jongno-gu office

a streetscape in Susong-dong(수송동), 29.6 x 42cm

Jongno-gu office(종로구청), 29.6 x 42cm

installing signboard in new office building(간판설치중), 26 x 37cm

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts(세종문화회관), 29.6 x 42cm

a street scene of Anguk-dong(안국동), 26 x 37 cm

a scenery of Insa-dong (인사동) viewed from the Nagwon building, 29.6 x 42cm

( pen, pencil and watercolor )
For the last few days, I kept sketching various scenes in the center of Jongno to prepare for the exhibition. The colorful streetscapes around Jongno-gu office attracted my attention. I sketched some buildings along the old streets in Jongno, downtown Seoul. 
I was absorbed in midsummer sketching and cooled off from the heat with a cup of iced coffee. 
주중 며칠간 점심시간 이용해서 뜨거운 종로 한복판에 그늘과 시원한 곳을 찾아
펜대와 수채물감, 연필가루 날리며~ 냉커피 한잔에 땀을 식히면서 
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