2015년 12월 31일 목요일

sketches at Uiwang Railroad Museum (의왕 철도박물관)

Steam Locomotive manufactured in 1940  (박물관 입구의 증기기관차)  
 DEC(diesel electric cars) Type Presidential Rail Cars
(대통령 특별동차)
 Section of train tracks in front of the Museum building (철도기점 체험 철로)
Railroad Panorama Exhibition Hall (모형철도 파노라마실) 
 History Exhibition Hall (역사 전시실)
Model train("The Pacific -1" Engine No.4288) is on display in the Main Hall  
(파시 1- 4288 스팀기관차) 모형
pen and watercolor ( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Last weekend I hopped a train to Uiwang City and visited the Railroad Museum, close to Seoul. The museum,5 to 10 minutes away on foot from Uiwang Subway Station, features various materials and items like artifacts and vehicles from the over 100 years of railroad history in Korea. There were many different types of train cars and engines on display outside. Inside they had model trains displayed, all sorts of train parts and information on the history of trains in our country. It was not a huge place, but I enjoyed it with interest. The highlight was a showing of the model train display where visitors were able to watch them run on the model tracks. I sketched some interesting scenes in and outside the museum with fantastic atmosphere.
100년 넘는 우리 철도역사와 미래상을 보여주는 의왕 철도 박물관
부모들의 어린 시절 추억과 함께 자녀들을 위한 생생한 산 교육장~~
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