2017년 12월 10일 일요일

some sketches at the Incheon International Airport

Incheon International Airport building, (36 x 51cm), pen and watercolor

an interior scene inside the airport, (26 x 37cm), pen and watercolor

a large airliner with the runway, (36 x 51cm), pencil and watercolor

another sketch of the runway scene, (26 x 37cm)
Incheon International Airport(인천국제공항), located west of Incheon nearby the Seoul Capital Area, is the largest airport in Korea, and one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. It was a bit cold yesterday, we Seoul usk members met at the lounge of the passenger terminal on the 3rd floor inside the large airport building, and sketched the various spectacular scenes in the crowded passengers.
At first I sketched the large airliner connected to the passenger boarding bridge with the runway in the background looking through the glass window on the 4th floor's lounge. After lunch, I moved to the passenger bridge connected to the subway station and sketched the huge and spectacular airport building over the glass window inside the bridge. By the time we finished sketching, I drew an interior perspective scene leaning over the railing on the 3rd floor.
It was a very exciting and enjoyable sketch time inside the airport despite the cold weather.
인천공항은 세계적으로 알려진 자랑스런 국제허브 공항입니다.
공항은 첫 스케치 모임이지만 어반스케치의 으뜸가는 소재입니다.
넓은 공간, 큰 스케일, 복잡하게 얽혀있는 웅대한 구조물과 빛의 율동,
쉴새없는 물동량과 인파들, 각양각색의 언어와 다문화적인 풍물들..
서울어반 스케쳐스의 영역이 원심적으로 확장해가는 좋은 날이였습니다.

2017년 11월 25일 토요일

sketches at Seoul Folk Flea Market, Sinseol-dong, Seoul

a scene of antique shops on the 1st floor, (36 x 51cm), pencil and watercolor

food court on the 2nd floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

rear side entrance of the market building, (26 x 37cm), pen and watercolor

a scene of small shop on the 2nd floor, (26 x 37cm), pencil
The Seoul Folk Flea Market is the largest flea market in Korea. It is a place alive with typical Korean folk items, souvenirs, traditional food, everyday goods and many others. Those are very interesting subject matters for sketchers.
It was a little cold and rainy yesterday, so we usk Seoul members sketched together enjoying the various kinds of interesting things inside the market building during the day. I often visited to sketch the marketplace many times, so I drew some new scenes which I didn't before in and outside the crowded market.
우리 주변의 일상생활이 모두 스케치 소재라면 
서울 풍물시장의 매력은 빼놓을 수 없겠습니다.
삶의 흔적들이 묻은 골동품과 생활도구들 속에서
사계절 만물상같이 넘쳐나오는 스케치꺼리가 일품입니다.

2017년 11월 13일 월요일

#57th World Wide SketchCrawl and USK Global 24hr Sketchwalk around Myeong-dong

the Bank of Korea Money Museum(한국은행 화폐 박물관), (36 x 51cm), 
pencil and watercolor

Namdaemun Market, (29.6 x42cm), pen

a scene of Myeong-dong street, (25 x 42cm), pen

a scene of the colorful buildings, (36 x 51cm), pen and watercolor

at Myeong-dong Cathedral, (29.6 x42cm), pencil

a quick sketch of the rear side of the cathedral, (29.6 x42cm), pencil
Last Saturday, the 57th World Wide SketchCrawl clashed with USK Global 24hr Sketchwalk, celebrating 10 years of Urban SKetchers. The weather was fine to sketch the hustle and bustle of Seoul. We urban sketchers promised to have free sketch time for themselves around Myeong-dong and the surroundings. All the sketchers dispersed and drew here and there from morning to the afternoon. Then we met at 4:30 pm at the main hall on the 1st basement floor of Myeong-dong Cathedral, and appreciated many of our works, sharing pleasure with one another. 
I've sketched a lot of the scenes around Myeong-dong and the surroundings long before, so I could easily sketch the scenes of the famous places which are familiar to me. I started sketching the Bank of Korea Money Museum, Namdaemun Market and Myeong-dong street, looking down from the 7th floor of Lotte Young Plaza department. After lunch, I sketched the colorful buildings in the heart of Myeong-dong street viewed from the Baerongnamu Cafe on the 12th floor rooftop garden of UNESCO House building. Then I moved to Myeong-dong Cathedral and sketched evening scenes of the cathedral building. We had a good sketching celebrations at Myeong-dong Cathedral!
명동에서 남대문을 잇는 서울 100년사의 발자취를 따라 걷는 
스케치로의 여행은 차곡차곡 새롭게 쌓아가는 시간의 비망록입니다.
발딛을 틈 없이 그리다 보면~ 한도 끝도 없이 나오는 새로운 그릴거리들.....
쏟아져 오는 인파들과 요란법석한 빌딩 사이사이로 비치는 햇살처럼 
틈틈이 따사로움과 고요함이 깃든 공간들은 명동만이 갖고 있는 낙원입니다~~

2017년 10월 30일 월요일

sketches around Seoul Station and Seoullo 7017

the panorama of Seoul Station seen from Seoullo 7017, (25 x 42cm), pencil

a scene viewed from the old Seoul Station Square, (25 x 42cm), 
pen and watercolor

Shuttle Bus Boarding Area of Seoul Station, (25 x 42cm), 
pen and watercolor

a quick sketch of the cityscape focusing to the Namdaemun Gate seen from Seoullo 7017, (29.6 x 42cm), pencil

a quick sketch of railways of Gyeongui Line and the 
surrounding buildings, (29.6 x 42cm), pen
Seoul Station is one of the most favorite sketching subjects for me. I often sketched the famous historic station several times including the 30th Worldwide Sketchcrawl on April, 2011. It was very fine last Saturday, we Seoul urban sketchers met at Food Court on the 3rd floor inside Seoul Station building for sketching around the station building and Seoullo 7017, new attraction for citizens and tourists. The Seoullo 7017 project is completed five months ago, that promotes the regeneration of Seoul Station area by remodelling the old Seoul Station overpass construction into pedestrian walkaways. There are a variety of facilities along Seoullo 7017, including an information center, cafes, gardens, and stages. Seoullo 7017 itself is open all day, every day for many visitors to enjoy at their leisure.
At first, I began sketching here and there in and out of the station building from a new perspective, looking for the new scenes I didn't draw before. After lunch, I walked up to the Seoullo 7017 walkaways and enjoyed sketching the attractive panoramic scenes of downtown Seoul. Many pedestrians and children came up to me and were very interested in sketching on the spot quickly in the crowd. I was attracted by the colorful buildingscapes and enjoyed the lively sketch time as if I were floating in the air. 
서울역과 그 주변은 명실상부한 어반 스케치의 중심부라 하겠습니다.
구역사(문화역서울 284)와 현대식 복합민자역사 컴플렉스 하모니~~
날로 치솟는 주변 고층빌딩들과 대비되는 철길 주변의 근대 모습들,
고가도로를 개조해 Seoullo 7017로 새로 태어난 명물 공중보행로는
어반 스케쳐들의 꾸준한 작업을 위해 마련된 공간이라고 생각합니다.

2017년 10월 16일 월요일

Waterfront sketches at Yeouinaru, Seoul

riverside scene viewed from the Cruise Terminal, pencil and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

waterfront scene of 1 Terminal, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

foreground scene of 2 Terminal, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

JS Han, a member of USK Seoul, pencil and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

a member of a water board club, pencil and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

Last Saturday, the weather was so fine with clear sky for sketching. Seoul urban sketchers met at Yeouinaru(여의나루) in the Yeouido Park, which is famous for nature, culture and sports for all citizens and visitors. Especially, Yeouinaru is well known as a riverside family park where Han River's water taxis and Cruise Terminal(크루즈 터미널) locates. Tourists and visitors can enjoying the leisurely view of Seoul's modern skyline and the surrounding sceneries such as Han River bridges, colorful ships, boats and Cruise Terminal crowded with people.
At first, the familiar Eland Cruise caught my eyes, because I sketched the quay scenes for the 45th World Wide SketchCrawl at this location three years ago. I was attracted to the vivid riverside scenes and absorbed in sketching around Yeouinaru like for the first time. After sketching various scenes around Cruise, I drew portraits of two people near me on the spot, one is an urban sketcher and the other is a member of a water board club. And I presented the sketches to them as a memorial of Yeouinaru sketching.
여의나루는 한강변의 다채로운 풍경이 담겨 있습니다.
명물 선착장과 유람선, 한강 브릿지와 고층빌딩...
단란한 가족공원 인파들, 도시 스케일과 시원한 원근감,
시시각각 변화하는 물그림자와 색상들의 하모니~~
워터프론트의 두 모델도 물결 배경 속에 인상적입니다.
3년전의 스케치크롤 감흥이 되살아나는 멋진 하루였습니니다.

2017년 9월 25일 월요일

watercolors at the Seoul Children's Grand Park

scene of various playing facilities at the amusement park, pencil and watercolor, 
( 54 x 72cm ) 

the botanical garden, pen and watercolor, ( 26 x 37cm )

the elephant house, pen and watercolor, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

scenery of tropical zoo, pencil ( 29.6 x 42cm )
Seoul Children's Grand Park (서울 어린이대공원) is eco-friendly park located in Neung-dong(능동), Gwangjin-gu(광진구) in Seoul. The family theme park is one of the most suitable places to sketch various drawing matters such as animals, plants, throng of people or diverse facilities for children surrounded by greens in the heart of Seoul. I've been sketching the colorful scenes in the fantastic Children's Grand Park for a long time.
Last Saturday, the weather was so fine, we Seoul urban sketchers met at the interesting park to sketch together. From early morning, I began to sketch the dynamic playground scene and painted in watercolors using 54x 72cm size watercolor paper at the amusement park(놀이동산) for 3 hours. I was absorbed in the large painting carefully from composition to details on the spot without moving. After lunch, I walked around the park and sketched the botanical garden, the elephant house, tropical zoo, and so on. It was a very pleasant and experimental sketch a day. 
서울 어린이대공원은 그리면 그릴수록 빠져드는 무한한 소재가 매력적이며
놀이동산의 생생한 장면들은 스케치를 위한 테마 파크 같습니다.
아침부터 놀이기구 속에 동심을 싣고 나르는 스펙타클한 장면을 그리면서
이곳이야말로 가까이 열려있는 웰빙과 스케치의 낙원이라는 것을 느꼈습니다~~

2017년 9월 10일 일요일

sketches at Yonsei University, Sinchon Campus

street scene in front of Yonsei campus, pen and watercolor (29.6 x 42cm)

Luce Chapel (루스 채플), pencil and watercolor, (54 x 72cm)

Yonsei Cancer Hospital (암센터), pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

I've been working in my office near Yonsei University for many years. So I'm familiar with the Sinchon Campus and used to sketch the various scenes of the campus buildings from time to time.
Recently, Yonsei University has completed the campus remodeling project including underground parking lot for several years. So the Baekyang-ro, main axis of the campus, was closed to traffic and changed into the pedestrian mall as a meeting plaza and rest area. It is a great change to the pleasant atmosphere around the campus. 
I sketched some new scenes that I didn't draw before and enjoy the fresh atmosphere around the historic campus.
어반 스케치를 하면서 서울의 다양한 캠퍼스 시리즈를 수없이 그렸지만,
캠퍼스의 축을 따라 시원하게 전개되는 분위기는 연세대가 매력적입니다.
연대의 상징 백양로가 쾌적한 보행과 휴식, 만남의 광장으로 바뀌면서
차량이 없는 캠퍼스의 자유롭고 경쾌한 스케치 캠프로 태어났습니다.
캠퍼스는 항상 활기차고 성장하면서 변화해가는 좋은 스케치 테마입니다.

2017년 8월 7일 월요일

Invitational Exhibition of Topgoal Art Center / Seoul Urban Sketchers

billiard-room(당구장), 21 x 29.6cm

Gateball court(게이트볼장) on the rooftop, 21 x 29.6cm

exercise room(체력단련실), 21 x 29.6cm

singing on the stage(가요무대), 21 x 29.6cm

practicing traditional fan dance(부채춤), 21 x 29.6cm

library(도서실), 21 x 29.6cm

main lobby on the 1st floor, 21 x 29.6cm

the front view of the Senior Welfare Center of Seoul, 29.6 x 42cm
(pen and watercolor)
Days later, from Aug. 10 to Aug. 25, Seoul Urban Sketchers will have the 6th exhibition invited by the Topgoal Art Center. The gallery is located in the first floor of the Senior Welfare Center of Seoul(서울노인복지센터) in Jongno district of Seoul. The title of the exhibit will be "My Merry Jongno" symbolizing the location "Jongno" district. In this exhibit 14 sketchers will participate in.
The welfare center runs kinds of classes for the seniors and the users in lunch time amount to 2800 to 3000. I visited there from time to time for sketching having delicious lunch and juice and tea at cafe run by senior female members. For the coming exhibit I sketched more to introduce the activities and the features of the building. Though the center opened on April 2001 the increasing users show how much the programs held for the senior people have been necessary. And the gallery was opened on May 2013. It's very impressive that lots of male senior than female frequent to the building compared to the other welfare centers. Program and location may be some reasons. Sketching these ones many senior members showed interest in sketching and liked sketches.
최근에 종로 그림 전시를 앞두고 탑 미술관이 속해 있는 서울노인복지센타를 방문하여 이모저모를 그린 스케치 모음입니다. 훈훈한 분위기 속에 다양한 프로그램을 즐기는 어르신들이 이번 전시회에 많은 관심을 보여주셔서 좋은 결실을 맺기를 기대합니다.

2017년 7월 31일 월요일

56th World Wide SketchCrawl at Common Ground, Jayang-dong

food truks(푸드트럭) on the central square market, pencil and watercolor

a scenery viewed from the 2nd floor terrace, pen and watercolor

Common Ground building in front of the central square, pencil

sketches on the central square market, pencil

(36 x 51cm, watercolor paper)
Last Saturday, for the 56th World Wide SketchCrawl, we usk Seoul members met at Common Ground (커먼 그라운드) located at Jayang-dong(자양동), Gwangjin-gu(광진구), Seoul. Common Ground is the largest container shopping mall complex in Korea built with 200 shipping containers, and is capable of transforming into different structures or moving into different places. The architectural form is based on a center square connecting two buildings. On the central square, a weekend market is held with different themes, and visitors can enjoy the light snack at the colorful food trucks that offer an exotic dining experience. 
It was a little hot and humid, but a fine day for sketching, I took a fancy to the exotic food truck on the market ground at first sight. After sketching that in watercolors quickly and I drew the impressive container building connected with over bridge and hanging placards in pencil. Then I went upstairs and sketched a scenery of the connections between different buildings in perspective. While sketching, I enjoyed expressing the movements of people coming and going immediately in my picture. We had a very pleasant and lively SketchCrawl !
블루 컨테이너, 원색 잔치의 푸드트럭, 이벤트 광장의 젊은 함성...
쇼핑과 엔터테인먼트의 틈 사이로... 빛과 색, 열기와 바람이 교차하며
단순미로 살린 건축의 명소가 알뜰한 스케치의 명소로다시 태어났습니다~~

2017년 7월 22일 토요일

two sketches of DDP and the surroundings

DDP and the surroundings viewed from 13th floor of DOOTA, 
pen and watercolor

the panoramic view of DDP, pencil

(36 x 51cm sketchbook)
I have been skeching the DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza) building for years. DDP is located at Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, which is huge and unique landmark in Dongdaemun History & Culture Park. Yesterday, usk Seoul members had sketch meeting along the Cheonggyecheon Stream that runs to Dongdaemun Gate. The weather was so hot and humid, I sketched DDP building and surroudings looking down at the top of the 13th floor inside of DOOTA building across the road. So I could see more elements at the same scene that I sketched before. I worked one piece in watercolors and another in 4B pencil having a different feeling. Thanks to all the participants in the hot weather.
DDP빌딩의 거대하고 특이한 형태와 주변 모습들은 많은 스케치 요소를 담고 있으며 오래전 건축현장부터 많이 그려왔습니다. 13층 높이에서 본 장면은 종전보다 더 많은 원근감과 새로운 스케일감을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 펜, 수채그림과 연필데생의 다른 느낌도 재미있었고, 머나먼 지역에서 스케치하러 오신분을 포함하여 무더위에 참여하신 모든 분들께 깊이 감사드립니다.