2020년 6월 21일 일요일

Sketches around Jangchungdan Park, Seoul

a street scene viewed from the entrance of Jangchungdan Park, 
pen and watercolor, (54 x 72cm)

a sketch at the beautiful courtyard of Caffe Bene, 
pencil and watercolor, (36 x51cm)

sketching on the flower bed at the entrance of the park
Last Saturday, in the scorching heat of early summer, we usk Seoul members gathered at Jangchungdan Park for a regular sketch meeting. Located at the foot of Namsan Mountain, which gives a feeling of warmth to Seoul citizens, Jangchungdan Park is a convenient place for transportation and is close to the city center. Like any other park in Seoul, it is a cozy and fresh resting place with pine trees, various broadleaf trees, lawns, outdoor stages, and sports facilities for citizens. In more than 120 years of history, statues of ancestors, various cultural assets, modern architecture and symbols around the park are precious family parks that live in the hearts of Seoulites. 
The places wherever I have sketched many times have the pleasure of finding a new feeling on the spot. At first, the bustling streets and the surrounding buildings seen from the entrance of the pleasant park caught my eye. After lunch, I was attracted to the beautiful courtyard of Caffe Bene as a comfortable place for sketching.
It was a useful day drawing the large-sized watercolor sketch to capture the new feeling of the scene around Jangchungdan Park.
장충단공원 주변의 푸르른 신록은 뜨거운 여름을 식혀주는 도시의 청량제와 같습니다.
교통이 편리한 가족공원, 성곽길 따라서 남산의 정취와 서울의 경관을 만끽하며..... 
관광호텔과 캠퍼스, 체육관, 각종 맛집들, 전통문화와 볼꺼리들이 어우러지는 주변 속에서
여름 땡볕을 막아주는 네거리의 교통섬 그늘막이 장충동의 포커스처럼 눈길을 끌었습니다.

2020년 6월 1일 월요일

Watercolor sketches at Buam-dong village, Seoul

a panorama of Buam-dong village, pencil and watercolor, (54 x 72cm)

a street scene of Baekseokdong-gil viewed from the cafe, 
pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

a street scene of Changuimun-ro viewed from the cafe, 
pen and watercolor pencil, (36 x 51cm)


photo by Daniel Thomas Faller
The weather was very clear last Saturday, especially it was the first sketch meeting in four months after Corona19, so the atmosphere of the meeting place was full of vitality. Buam-dong, a beautiful village, is a small tourist attraction that I often visit and sketch because it is close to my home and has various painting elements. The village, which has the rural atmosphere of Bukaksan Mountain and Inwangsan Mountain hills, is filled with many sketching elements, including famous food restaurants, cafes, modern galleries, and registered cultural assets. 
In the morning, I sat on the stone steps looking at Bukhansan Mountain in the distance, and began to paint a panoramic view of the village where high and low houses were harmonized. I drew a watercolor on a large piece of paper. When drawing on a larger piece of paper than on a small piece of paper previously drawn, it was certainly beneficial in many ways because it allowed more observation and concentration on the subject. 
After lunch I leaned over the table on the second floor of the cafe(Club Espresso) and sketched the various street views over the window in a comfortable atmosphere. I usually use pens and watercolors, but I think it's good to enjoy different flavors of atmosphere, sometimes using a variety of colored pencils, pastels, and markers, and so forth. Buam-dong is a small and cute village, but it is also a good place to sketch for new challenges to various objects and materials.
코로나19로 인해 어반스케치의 제약을 받아 온 날들은
더더욱 현장그림의 소중함을 크게 깨닫게 해주는 계기 같습니다.
부암동은 명산과 둘레길, 볼거리와 먹거리 카페의 핫 플레이스~

빈티지와 현대미, 예술과 전통 문화가 자연스레 어우러지고
명징한 하늘아래 구비구비 골목길.. 다양한 색들의 변주곡을 들으면서
북악의 호연지기를 마시며 5월의 부암동 스케치에 취해봅니다.