2016년 10월 31일 월요일

sketches at Seoseoul Lake Park (서서울 호수공원)

panoramic view of the park
Culture Deck Plaza(문화데크 광장) on the side of Central Lake
Visitor Center building (관리사무소)
Recycle Garden(재생정원)
pergola in the sky garden(하늘정원) decorated with remains of the 
old plant

Mondrian Garden(몬드리안 정원), modeled on the abstract artist 
Mondrian's composition techniques
open garden remodeled of the old plant 
street scene in front of the entrance
an exhibition facility beside the parking lot
entrance of the park
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Few days ago, I visited  Seoseoul Lake Park located in Sinwol-dong, Yangcheon-gu,Seoul. In October 2009, the park was opened after the Sinwol Water Purification Plant, was remodeled into an eco-friendly park involving the theme of water and regeneration. The plant was transformed under the themes of “water” and “recycling” and reused some of the existing piping and filtering tanks. When making the park, the designers recycled many materials from the old water plant facilities, particularly the water pipes.
The park entrance signpost, bicycle racks, benches on hiking trails, and sculptures in the grass area were all made with recycled material from water pipes. I was impressed by the exquisite harmony of the park's natural and artificial grafting.
It was a fine autumn day, I enjoyed  strolling along the Central Lake and sketching various scenes in and outside the garden facilities.
아름다운 호수가 있는 서서울 호수공원~~
낡은 신월정수장을 '물'과 '재생'을 테마로 한 시민의 쉼터로
웰빙과 스포츠, 호숫가의 문화데크와 수생식물,
벽천과 소리분수, 몬드리안 정원과 재생정원.....
자연과 인공을 절묘하게 조화시킨 독특한 테마공원입니다.

2016년 10월 24일 월요일

#53rd World Wide SketchCrawl at Myeong-dong

Royal Hotel (로얄호텔)and the surroundings, 
pen and watercolor

Young Plaza (영플라자), Lotte Department Avenuel and the surroundings, 
pen and watercolor

Korean National Commission for UNESCO (유네스코 한국위원회) building, 
pen and watercolor

Baerongnamu Cafe (배롱나무 카페), pen and watercolor

outside of the Baerongnamu Cafe connected to the rooftop garden, 
pen and watercolor 

back garden of the Myeong-dong Cathedral (명동성당), 
pen and pastel 

altar of the cathedral viewed from the back garden, pencil
( 21 x 29.6 cm sketchbook )
청명한 가을하늘 아래... 밝은 마을 명동이 활짝 열리면
크고 작은 다채로운 빌딩과 휘황찬란한 색상이 뒤섞여
낮에는 햇살따라 밤에는 조명따라 변해가는 모습과
실핏줄같이 얽힌 골목에서 쏟아지고 흩어지는 인파의 물결
낭만과 유행, 소음과 경건함이 얽힌 도심의 오케스트라~ 
명동은 언제 보아도 살아있는 스케치 천국입니다.