the distant view of the Yakhyeon Catholic Church from the main street, Chungpa-ro, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)
another main gate of the church viewed from the access road, Jungnim-ro, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)
a statue of the Mother Maria and Baby Jesus, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)
the whole view of Yakhyeon Catholic Church seen from the courtyard, (24 x 32cm)
the filming crew of the SBS drama "Passionate priest"(열혈 사제) was busy shooting the acting scenes outside the church,
pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)
Namdaemun Gate and surrounding buildings viewed from Yakhyeon Observatory(약현전망대) located at prayer garden, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)
Yakhyeon Catholic Church(약현성당) is Korea's first Gothic style church located at Jungnim-dong(중림동) in downtown Seoul. The cathedral, with a history of more than 120 years and a representative shrine dedicated to martyrs, is situated at the top of a small hill surrounded by bustling streets and high-rise buildings.
This week, last Monday, we Seoul urban sketchers gathered to sketch in this church. The weather was a bit cold and dust, but suitable for sketching outdoors. I've sketched this place many times before, but the more I draw, the fresher I feel in the same place. The cathedral which contains historical meaning and architectural style, provides endless sketching materials in harmony with its surroundings. I enjoyed sketching various scenes that I didn't draw before from place to place around the beautiful cathedral.
120여년의 역사와 건축사적 가치를 지닌 순교성지 약현성당..
서울 도심의 빌딩숲 사이로 빛나는 언덕위의 아담한 안식처
최초의 고딕 양식.. 붉은벽돌과 인상적인 첨탑의 단아한 모습
순교정신과 세월의 흔적이 담겨있는 낯익은 장소와 건축이지만
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