I painted this work at the Yong Am temple which locateed in Pa Ju city, Kyungki province, Korea. Behind of the temple the two buddhas were engraved using the natural rocks. The temple was build nearly a thousand years ago with the rocks engraved by the order of the king, Sun jong of Korea dynasty(1084-1094) for getting a baby. After having prayed there the queen had given birth to a prince that year. It is 17.4 meters high.
[공지] 2024년 3월 정모 안내
[공지] 2024년 3월 정모 안내
- 날짜 : 3월16일(토) 10:30~16:00
- 스케치장소 : 삼성역 주변 일대
- 집결지 : 삼성역 5번,6번 출구앞 광장
- 준비물 : 개인 스케치도구, 명찰
꽃 피는 계절 3월이 돌아왔습니다.
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