Last saturday I went to Sofitel hotel to celebrate the wedding of my friend's daughter. Before I entered the ceremony hall I sketched Jangchoong gymnasium and the hotel. There were players playing music for wedding. In the lounge I sketched people. They looked like mother and son.
Your drawings are awesome! I really like the way you capture the liveliness and detail of a scene in a sketch-like way. Sorry for my lack of articulation, I don't have a huge artistic vocabulary.
[2025년 2월 정모 안내]현대시티아웃렛 동대문점
[2025년 2월 정모 안내]
- 일시 : 2월 15일(토) 10:30 ~ 16:00 (Big Sketch 후 당일 2층 특별 전시장에 전시)
- 스케치장소 : 현대시티아웃렛 동대문점 주변 일대
- 참여인원 : 누구나
- 준비물 : 개인 스케치...
댓글 3개:
Your drawings are awesome! I really like the way you capture the liveliness and detail of a scene in a sketch-like way. Sorry for my lack of articulation, I don't have a huge artistic vocabulary.
Great sketches throughout your blog. You have a very nice style that brings things to life
Hi I ve been to kores twice (seoul) and did some sketckes there but your style is like a profesional artist..congratulation.
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