2013년 12월 12일 목요일

some sketches around Dongdaemun Church, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Recently, I stopped off at Dongdaemun Church(동대문 교회), that is controversial about demolition for the restoration of ancient Seoul's castle walls between the Korean Methodist Church(기독교 대한감리회) and Seoul Metropoitan Government. The church over 100 years is known as a familiar landmark around Dongdaemun Gate(동대문) until recently. I sketched this unfortunate building from place to place in order to keep a pictorial record.

the panorama of Dongdaemun Church viewed from Dongdaemun Gate, 
view the church from a different angle,
view the church from a different angle,
a side view of the church,
another sketch of a side view,
looking up at the bell tower,
Dongdaemun Gate(Heunginjimun:흥인지문) viewed from Dongdaemun Church,
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook)
동대문 곁의 낯익은 근대사의 현장이 한양도성 성곽복원 차원에서 사라져 갈 운명에 직면하고 있는 장면을 스케치 하면서~~ 보존과 정비의 갈등 속에...지나간 역사의 현장 속에서 또 하나의 석별의 정을 느꼈습니다.

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