Pfeiffer Hall (Main Hall),본관 pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
Welch-Ryang Auditorium (Music Hall)대강당, watercolor, (37 x 52 cm)
ECC(이화 캠퍼스 복합단지) viewed from main gate of Ewha Womans University, watercolor, (37 x 52 cm)
Centennial Museum(100주년 기념 박물관) and International Education Building
(국제교육관), pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
Ewha-Samsung Education Culture Building(이화-삼성 교육 문화관),
pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
Pharmaceutical Science Building A (Appenzeller Hall) 약학관,
pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
Student Union(학생회관), pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
a scenery viewed from the top level of ECC, pen and watercolor,
(21 X 29.6cm)
another sketch of Welch-Ryang Auditorium, pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)

nearby buildings across from the backgate of Ewha Womans University,
pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
campus buildings harmonizes with neighboring buildings, pen and watercolor,
(21 X 29.6cm)
Stephen Kopp from Australia, joined Seoul sketchers, pen and watercolor,
(21 X 29.6cm)
Kate from Russia joined Seoul sketchers, pen and watercolor, (21 X 29.6cm)
Last Saturday, we Seoul sketchers met at Ewha Womans University(이화여자대학교). It was founded on 1886 by Mary F. Scranton, an American missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church.The campus located in central Seoul with surrounded natural greens and a number of old and contemporary buildings nearby one of the most popular shopping district in Seoul.
Across the heart of the Ewha Womans University, the recently completed ECC (Ewha Campus Complex) shaped valley, is Korea’s largest underground campus. The ECC provides students with various services, from learning to cultural activities, all under the one roof. In a whole campus, lots of historic stone buildings and modern high-rise buildings are mixed intimately and harmoniously.
It was a little hot during the day, but the natural air conditioning from the wood offered a cool atmosphere for sketching. I enjoyed sketching the beautiful campus buildings and several colourful scenes.
.도심의 숲 속에 평화로이 자리하고 있는 웰빙 캠퍼스~~
역사를 간직한 옛 모습들과 새로 들어선 현대식 건축물들이 조화롭습니다.
현대식 명물인 ECC 건물은 땅 속의 마당, 숨은 듯 열려있는 현대식 조형미와
학생과 시민을 융화시키는 시원한 광장이 빛과 함께 많은 이야기를 쏟아냅니다.
작은 것들의 아름다움, 숲과 길과 언덕, 아늑함을 찾아서 스케치하기 좋은 장소입니다.
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Thanks for your visit and favorable comment. 이렇게 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.
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