2017년 7월 22일 토요일

two sketches of DDP and the surroundings

DDP and the surroundings viewed from 13th floor of DOOTA, 
pen and watercolor

the panoramic view of DDP, pencil

(36 x 51cm sketchbook)
I have been skeching the DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza) building for years. DDP is located at Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, which is huge and unique landmark in Dongdaemun History & Culture Park. Yesterday, usk Seoul members had sketch meeting along the Cheonggyecheon Stream that runs to Dongdaemun Gate. The weather was so hot and humid, I sketched DDP building and surroudings looking down at the top of the 13th floor inside of DOOTA building across the road. So I could see more elements at the same scene that I sketched before. I worked one piece in watercolors and another in 4B pencil having a different feeling. Thanks to all the participants in the hot weather.
DDP빌딩의 거대하고 특이한 형태와 주변 모습들은 많은 스케치 요소를 담고 있으며 오래전 건축현장부터 많이 그려왔습니다. 13층 높이에서 본 장면은 종전보다 더 많은 원근감과 새로운 스케일감을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 펜, 수채그림과 연필데생의 다른 느낌도 재미있었고, 머나먼 지역에서 스케치하러 오신분을 포함하여 무더위에 참여하신 모든 분들께 깊이 감사드립니다.

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