2017년 7월 31일 월요일

56th World Wide SketchCrawl at Common Ground, Jayang-dong

food truks(푸드트럭) on the central square market, pencil and watercolor

a scenery viewed from the 2nd floor terrace, pen and watercolor

Common Ground building in front of the central square, pencil

sketches on the central square market, pencil

(36 x 51cm, watercolor paper)
Last Saturday, for the 56th World Wide SketchCrawl, we usk Seoul members met at Common Ground (커먼 그라운드) located at Jayang-dong(자양동), Gwangjin-gu(광진구), Seoul. Common Ground is the largest container shopping mall complex in Korea built with 200 shipping containers, and is capable of transforming into different structures or moving into different places. The architectural form is based on a center square connecting two buildings. On the central square, a weekend market is held with different themes, and visitors can enjoy the light snack at the colorful food trucks that offer an exotic dining experience. 
It was a little hot and humid, but a fine day for sketching, I took a fancy to the exotic food truck on the market ground at first sight. After sketching that in watercolors quickly and I drew the impressive container building connected with over bridge and hanging placards in pencil. Then I went upstairs and sketched a scenery of the connections between different buildings in perspective. While sketching, I enjoyed expressing the movements of people coming and going immediately in my picture. We had a very pleasant and lively SketchCrawl !
블루 컨테이너, 원색 잔치의 푸드트럭, 이벤트 광장의 젊은 함성...
쇼핑과 엔터테인먼트의 틈 사이로... 빛과 색, 열기와 바람이 교차하며
단순미로 살린 건축의 명소가 알뜰한 스케치의 명소로다시 태어났습니다~~

2017년 7월 22일 토요일

two sketches of DDP and the surroundings

DDP and the surroundings viewed from 13th floor of DOOTA, 
pen and watercolor

the panoramic view of DDP, pencil

(36 x 51cm sketchbook)
I have been skeching the DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza) building for years. DDP is located at Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, which is huge and unique landmark in Dongdaemun History & Culture Park. Yesterday, usk Seoul members had sketch meeting along the Cheonggyecheon Stream that runs to Dongdaemun Gate. The weather was so hot and humid, I sketched DDP building and surroudings looking down at the top of the 13th floor inside of DOOTA building across the road. So I could see more elements at the same scene that I sketched before. I worked one piece in watercolors and another in 4B pencil having a different feeling. Thanks to all the participants in the hot weather.
DDP빌딩의 거대하고 특이한 형태와 주변 모습들은 많은 스케치 요소를 담고 있으며 오래전 건축현장부터 많이 그려왔습니다. 13층 높이에서 본 장면은 종전보다 더 많은 원근감과 새로운 스케일감을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 펜, 수채그림과 연필데생의 다른 느낌도 재미있었고, 머나먼 지역에서 스케치하러 오신분을 포함하여 무더위에 참여하신 모든 분들께 깊이 감사드립니다.

2017년 7월 15일 토요일

sketches at Bukchon village, Jongno-gu, Seoul

a streetscape of Samcheong-dong Street of Culture, 26 x 37cm

the Dongsipjagak(동십자각) intersection viewed from the 3rd floor 
in Beomnyeonsa Temple(법련사), 36 x 51cm

a scenery seen from the hillside of Samcheong-dong(삼청동), 36 x 51cm
( pen, pencil and watercolor )
It rained off and on yesterday. We Seoul urban sketchers met on Sagan-dong(사간동) near Gyeongbokgung Palace and sketched around Bukchon Hanok Village(북촌 한옥마을), where lots of traditional houses and new buildings coexist side byside harmoniously and has become a major tourist attraction. Despite the badweather, the rainy sceneries of the beautiful village seemed like an atmosphere of "Watercolors in Rain". I couldn't but sketch inside building or take shelter from the rain under the eaves while painting watercolors. It was a very exciting sketch time practicing finish the sketches within a short period of time on rainy days.
경복궁과 주변의 북촌마을은 잘 정돈된 전통한옥과 고궁, 문화시설들과 카페거리...  종로 스케치에서 빼놓을 수 없는 다양하고 무궁무진한 소재를 지닌 명소입니다.
온종일 장마비로 인한 애로가 많았지만, "비오는 날의 수채화"를 그리면서 색다른 분위기를 느끼고 또한 악천우에 대처하며 그리는 실전 경험도 큰 소득이라 생각합니다.

2017년 7월 13일 목요일

sketches around Jongno-gu office

a streetscape in Susong-dong(수송동), 29.6 x 42cm

Jongno-gu office(종로구청), 29.6 x 42cm

installing signboard in new office building(간판설치중), 26 x 37cm

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts(세종문화회관), 29.6 x 42cm

a street scene of Anguk-dong(안국동), 26 x 37 cm

a scenery of Insa-dong (인사동) viewed from the Nagwon building, 29.6 x 42cm

( pen, pencil and watercolor )
For the last few days, I kept sketching various scenes in the center of Jongno to prepare for the exhibition. The colorful streetscapes around Jongno-gu office attracted my attention. I sketched some buildings along the old streets in Jongno, downtown Seoul. 
I was absorbed in midsummer sketching and cooled off from the heat with a cup of iced coffee. 
주중 며칠간 점심시간 이용해서 뜨거운 종로 한복판에 그늘과 시원한 곳을 찾아
펜대와 수채물감, 연필가루 날리며~ 냉커피 한잔에 땀을 식히면서 
새로운 소재들과 마주하며 "스케치 피서"를 즐겼습니다.

2017년 7월 10일 월요일

weekend sketches at Jongno

Topgoal Art Center in Seoul Senior Welfare Center  (29.6 x 42cm)

a scenery of Insa-dong viewed from Anguk-dong Mcdonald's 
(36 x 51cm)

an old street scene near Tapgoal Park viewed from inside the Nagwon building (36 x 51cm)

indoor scene of the senior movie theater located at 4th floor of Nagwon building (26 x 37cm)

a scenery of Jogyesa Temple (26 x 37cm)

street scene of Gongpyeong-dong (26 x 37cm)
(pen, pencil and watercolor)
The rainy season began. Last weekend, despite the bad weather to sketch outdoors, I tried to draw new subjects I didn't sketched before around Jongno. 
During rains, I sketched some old street scenes and an indoor scene inside the Nagwon building and the Mcdonald's. And after rain, I sketched outside the Topgoal Art Center where we'll exhibit next month. I'll continue working on my sketches around Jongno in my spare times.
무더운 날씨에 여름장마까지 겹쳐 온갖 시끌버끌 북적거리는 종로이지만, 
소재를 찾아 탐구하며 그리기에는 잘 정돈된 시가지보다 참으로 매력있는 장소입니다.
그동안 도심을 수없이 그렸지만 안그린 장면을 찾아보면 볼수록 소재가 무궁무진합니다.
이번 전시회는 무심히 스쳐버리는 주변을 소중히 챙겨보는 좋은 계기가 될 것 같습니다. 

2017년 7월 7일 금요일

Travel sketches of Beijing(북경), China

seen through the window waiting for departure in Incheon Airport (인천공항)

Pailoo(Chinese monumental gateway 패루), entrance to Eatery Alley

Chinese circus show (서커스쇼)

circus performers (줄타기 곡예사)

The Great Wall of China (만리장성)

entrance of The Great Wall

entrance of Longqingxia (용경협)

a scenery of Longqingxia

Yiheyuan (The Summer Palace in Beijing 이화원)

at the lobby of Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel (쉐라톤 호텔 로비)

Huang qiong yu(황궁우) in the Temple of Heaven (천단공원)

 Hall of prayer for Good Harvest in China (기년전) in the Temple of Heaven

a sketch seen from the precincts of the Temple of Heaven 

an old fashioned village nearby The Forbidden City 

Dien Thai Hoa (태화전) in The Forbidden City (자금성)

the musical "Golden Mask Dynasty"(금면왕조)

Hyatt Regency Tianjin Hotel (천진 하야트 호텔)
( pen, pencil and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook ) 
At the beginning of July, I took a four-day trip joining a package tour to Beijing with BH Yoo for urban sketching. Beijing, the capital city in China, is larger than Seoul, both by area and by population. There is a lot of most popular attractions, historic sites, iconic valleys and lakes and other tourism resources. Despite the scorching sun and busy schedules of sightseeing for three days, I sketched everything continuously as much as I could everywhere we went.
It was an invaluable travel sketch time and a good opportunity to improve my drawing and to overcome difficulties. 
역사도시 북경의 스케일과 명소들, 생활상을 체험한 소중한 여행이었습니다.  
처음 가는 북경여행이라는 설레임 속에 스케치도구를 많이 준비했지만,
3박4일 관광투어의 빡빡한 일정에 숙소가 멀고 자유시간이 너무 짧아서 아쉬웠습니다.
수많은 인파속에 가이드 따라다니랴 주마간산식으로 스케치하랴, 공연장 관람석 여건등...
현장에서 물감칠을 못해서 아쉬웠읍니다만, 내공을 쌓아가는데 크게 단련이 되는 
값진 어반스케치 여행이었습니다~~