2020년 5월 13일 수요일

Sketches at Naksan Park, Seoul

a cityscape viewed from Seoul Fortress Trail, pen and watercolor (54 x 72cm)

Guldari-gil, alias Ewha Snail Road, pencil and watercolor (21 x 29.6cm)

a scene of the old houses , pen and watercolor (21 x 29.6cm)

an access road up from Chungsin-dong, pen and watercolor (21 x 29.6cm)

a scene overlooking Ewha-dong from Naksan Park, pen and watercolor (21 x 29.6cm)

Since last January Seoul chapter did not have regular monthly meeting due to pandemic. And a plan for meetup on May 16th was delayed by two weeks because of infection cases linked to some clubs in Seoul.
During months I tried to avoid going to public places for sketching. But spring came and the fearful contagion seemed to decrease people began to come out to breathe fresh air. Days ago I went Naksan Park near Dongdaemun Gate to see the Seoul City Wall drawing some.
Seoul city has been redeveloping the area of Changsin-dong and Ewha-dong around the Naksan Mountain Trail, east part of Seoul City Wall. Old and new buildings are mixed in the area. The villages became a favorite touring place for foreigners and citizens by the panoramic city views with old wall. Small village bus makes people access to the summit of the wall. Therefore I could carry a big canvas(54x72cm) for a watercolor work easily without walking upward all the way. Old brick houses remained around the wall looked very attractive to me. Every sight could be a subject for drawing by the features piled up through years despite the city redevelopment plan. I sketched several attractive scenes around Naksan Park all day long.
All of us wish this pandemic to be ended soon.
코로나19로 인해 몇달간 스케치 모임이 없어 아쉬웠지만
청정하고 매력적인 스케치 장소인 성곽길 낙산공원에 올라갔습니다.
낡은 동네를 감싸는 언덕의 고층아파트와 매력적인 골목 카페들~
멀리 동서남북으로 내려다보이는 도시의 파노라마 장면들이 어우러진
재개발과 보존을 둘러싼 도시재생의 살아 숨쉬는 현장을 만끽했습니다.

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