These days, I used to visit and sketch some historic and memorable buildings near downtown. Many cultural assets, including old palaces, temples and churches are placed around us in Seoul. Especially, the Anglican Church of Korea(대한성공회 서울교구) is one of the most desirable spots to sketch artistically for me. I've sketched this beautiful church for years, but I'm never tired of it.
the central part of the Anglican Church of Korea, pen and watercolor,
viewed from the main gate, pen and watercolor,
another sketch of the church, pen and watercolor,
presbytery and Society of the Holy Cross(사제관 및 성가수도회), pen and watercolor,
inside the Anglican Church of Korea, pen and watercolor,
another sketch inside the church, pen and watercolor,
the choir practice(성가대 연습), pen and watercolor,
an attractive building around the Anglican Church of Korea, pen and watercolor,
another sketch of nearby buildings, pen and watercolor,
( 21 x29.6cm)
성공회는 도심속의 몇 안되는 보물같은 스케치 마당입니다.
빛과 질감, 비례와 균형, 스케일과 주변 하모니~~
양식과 전통이 어우러지며 서울의 역사가 배어 있는
그려도 그려도 새롭게 다가오는 스케치 수련장입니다.
댓글 2개:
I love the church sketches - both inside and out.
Thanks a lot. Sue!
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