The MVL Goyang Hotel(엠블호텔 고양), pen and watercolor,
Cafe scene seen from the stair case, pen and watercolor,
Hotel Lobby, pen and crayon,
PBA Tour Tryout game, pen and pastels,
Staffs and journalists, pen and watercolor,
Caster and commentator of Billiards TV, pencil and watercolor,
Staffs and journalists, pen and watercolor,
Camera men, pencil and watercolor,
Camera man, pencil
Camera men, pen and watercolor,
Under playing, pen and pastels,
Under playing, pen and watercolor,
Under playing, pencil,
Game table under live broadcasting, pen and watercolor,
Game table under live broadcasting, pen and crayon,
Camera man, pencil and watercolor,
A quick drawing of game scene, pen and crayon,
A quick drawing of game scene, pen and crayon,
A quick drawing of camera men, pencil,
A quick drawing of camera men, pencil,
(21 x 29.6cm sketchbook)
Recently I visited billiards clubs one or two days for sketching and seeing the games with BH Yoo. But this time we went to the MVL Goyang Hotel four times because the PBA(Professional Billiards Association) Tour Tryout was holding during 11 days from Apr. 21 to May 1. While visiting there we could see lots of games between famous players and unknown great ones aged from twenties to sixties. While seeing the games and sketching we clapped for the nice scenes and sighed at the losing game by one or two points. The indoor sports arena installed in the convention hall was spectacular. Additionally we could find that lots of people including caster and commentator liked to see us sketch and felt so happy to receive a sketch from me. They hoped that such cultural events could happen in billiards game fields as in other sports or festivals.Sketching brought a new start with a young judge who was directing the disabled billiards players for years. He addressed us what for we've been sketching. We explained about urban sketching and sharing them with people. He asked us to draw those players when the game to open once a month. He let us know the home page(Korea Billiard Association For The Disabled). Sketching seemed to bless us by meeting nice people and making us see the world in deeper and wider viewpoints. I was very happy to be able to concentrate on billiards sketching with a lot of support from the participants for many days. You can see BH Yoo's works on
지난 주, 일산의 엠블호텔 컨벤션에서 11일간 열린 PBA(프로당구협회)Tour 트라이아웃 전국선수선발대회를 BH Yoo와 함께 4차례 관람하며 스케치했습니다.전국에서 온 300여명의 내노라하는 강호의 유명선수들의 열띤 승부열기와 함께 스케일 큰 대회분위기를 만끽하며 편한 자리에서 스케치하는 행운을 얻었습니다~ 왕년의 당구스타 장성출 선수를 비롯한 유명선수들을 피부로 접할 수 있었습니다. 빌리어즈TV 권재일 캐스터와 황득희 위원에게 스케치를 선물하면서 주최 관계인사들로부터 당구에 예술문화를 접목시킨다는 호평을 받아 보람있었고, 어반스케쳐로서 많은 에너지를 얻은 산체험의 보람있는 시간이었습니다. 행사 관계자님들께 감사드리며 투혼을 살려 훌륭한 경기를 펼친 선수들께 성원의 박수를 보내드립니다~~
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